Friday, September 21, 2007

Game Schedules Discussion


This year, the game schedules I've approved does the following:

  1. For U8, it provides 10 regular season games (two are the tournament games). It also provides some regular season night games for the teams that have a bye week, that don't end too late for the younger players.
  2. For U10 and U12, it adds games to ensure 12 regular season games (two are the tournament games). Again there are regular season night games for the teams that have bye's and there is also a regular season double-header added as close tournament time as we were able to schedule it given all the team. The purpose of the double-headers is to prepare the teams for situations that they'll encounter if they advance to post-season play.

Please read through the schedule. If you have questions or concerns about it, let's discuss them here. We can make modifications to the schedule, if necessary.


Suzie said...

Is there any way I can access my team's game schedule for the whole season? When I click on my team's schedule, it only displays three games at one time.

Regional Commissioner said...

They should all be displayed now. They were posted last night late.

coach alfredo ferradas said...

John, you talk about 12 regular season games (2 tourney), I only see 8. Also regular season night games does not seem to apply to BU10 nor double headers. Am I correct? or am I missing something? Maybe you just meant GU10. Please clarify. Thanks.

Christina Lopez said...

I noticed the same thing as Coach Alfredo in BU10. When will the FULL schedule be put up?

Regional Commissioner said...

This the first year we are working with some new automated scheduling software, so it may take a second effort to get the schedules tweaked properly.

feds said...

still having problems getting all my games for G-U10 #14.not showing all ten..on my sons team they play on the 6th at 10:30 and then at 11:30 but at 2 different fields???what do you do with the teams that dont qualify for the tourney? thanks

Miriam said...

I had the same problem when I tried to view my schedule at first but when I clicked on the games that were after the 29th of Sept. I was able to view my whole schedule.

Christina Lopez said...

Thanks for the FAST response Regional Commissioner !!

vincep said...

My question regarding the schedule is the double header on 10/6 for team #2 bu12. I wasn't aware that the league did that. Also will the games from this past weekend be rescheduled?

Delia Prieto said...

I didn't know that there were going to be double-headers in the regular season. I thought it was a mistake for GU-12.

Regional Commissioner said...

First, Christina is working on some problems in the schedule that she attributes to late night scheduling.

Second, U10 and U12 will have a double-header in an attempt to prepare them for post-season play. In post season, they'll see double-headers and we want them to not react like deers in the headlights.

Third, I'm a bit under the weather, so you're all on your own for about 24 hours. No late night parties while I'm gone!

Dave Winn said...

Good job in making better use of the web this year!

I noticed that the GU08 schedule uses the team names for games up through 9/29, but uses coach names after that. Either way is fine, but there's no way to see the whole season's schedule for a GU08 team.

Also, what are the numbers next to the team names for completed games?


Gary L. Negrete said...
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Gary L. Negrete said...

We are in the process of revising the schedules so that each team will be able to see the entire season of games under one name. BU10 has already been completed and the others will follow.

The numbers next to the team name is the Team number for that Division.

Christina Lopez said...

Gary, I noticed that BU10 is complete with all games under the team names, except we're listed as the Blank panthers not Black Panthers :( but is the schedule complete? We should have, I think 2 more games with a double header? When do you anticipate them being complete?

Gary L. Negrete said...


the numbers next to teams that have completed games are the actual scores of the game.

If you go from the Schedule page to the Standings page, you will see the team standings within the division and the points (Win = 3pts, TIe = 1pt & Loss = 0 pts) as well as the Goals For/Against and goal differential (NO impact on standings. If you go to the specific team schedule, it will also show the results of completed games that have been reported and verified.

Hope this helps. We (the royal we)are feverishly trying to update schedules as quickly as possible.

Edwin Castillo said...

I know that you guys are working on the schedulle, but I was wondering if there was a change on my schedulle for this Saturday game? It shows (OPEN),

Thank you

feds said...

With the rainouts and the changing in schedules was wondering if I still am having a bye this weekend or are you scheduling a team to have a dblheader???Thanks Steve G-U10..#14

Regional Commissioner said...

Schedules this Saturday will not be changing because of the recent rain-outs.

I'd like coaches opinions on when they'd like to make up the rain-outs. Would you like to schedule those as night games during the week? Or would you prefer to fit them in on Saturdays? Opinions please...

Christina Lopez said...

Regarding the makeup game our coach would prefer to make up the game on a Saturday as a double header,as long as it is not the week before or the week after the already scheduled double header.
My husband is the Coach for BU10 Team #3.

feds said...

I think alot of the kids lood forward to the night games but I'm sure as long as we get in all the games it won't matter...are they still working on the schedule??still dont have all my games

coach alfredo ferradas said...

As far as the makeup games, I do not mind playing double headers, but I would think that it can get a little tricky to schedule so many double headers and time them in a way where you give both teams (at any given time) a certain and balanced amount of rest time before the next game. But if you can make it work, let's go for it.
I also think that the kids would enjoy some night games.

Anything on the schedule update? BU10 are still showing only 8 games (including the cancelled game).

Regional Commissioner said...

OK everyone. Thanks for the input on the schedules. I worked on them with the scheduler today, using a lot of input that I received, and I hope you'll all be pleased with the new schedules. When they are posted, hopefully later this weekend, please let us know if you see any problems that we might have missed. There's so much data, it's easy to miss things. But, we did go through team-by-team to try to make the schedules as balanced and fair as possible.

Also, I directed the scheduler to add games as follows:

U06 will have a game added and also will makeup the rain-out game on a Saturday. This will allow for (I believe) nine games, ending near Thanksgiving. No night games for the little ones, and their season ends just a little before the older kids.

U08 will make-up the rained-out games mid-week, under the lights. U08 will also be adding Saturday games all the way until the weekend before Thanksgiving, and then return after Thanksgiving weekend to play the tournament. There are no scheduled regular season double-headers in U08 and we've scheduled the night games as early as possible (without cutting into the workday too much either) to make sure the kids aren't out too late playing soccer on school nights.

U10 and U12, we're adding games all the way until Thanksgiving, and then teams will return after Thanksgiving weekend to play the tournament.. Teams are guaranteed at least one mid-week night game under the lights. The rained-out games will also be made-up mid-week under the lights. There is one regular season double-header (two games on Saturday) for each team. We've scheduled these as close to play-off time as possible. The reason for them, is to prepare the kids for double-headers, which they will have if they continue to post-season area play. In previous seasons, we found that if our teams were not prepared for double-headers and then encountered them in post-season play, it seemed pretty difficult for them to adjust. We hope this will help in this regard.

U14 has not been changed. But, I'm looking at the schedule to see if I can do anything with it that would be beneficial for our teams.

U16/U19 is all AREA play, so the schedules are set outside of our region.

Regional Commissioner said...

Oh yes, I did forget one thing. We are moving a few games later on Saturday to make it possible for referees to have an easier time with scheduling. As with most scheduling issues, changes are good for some and bad for others. Hopefully this schedule is the best compromise available. Look for it to be online by end of the night Sunday, if our scheduler can get everything uploaded by then. I want to thank Christina Bennet who does the manual labor on the schedule for all her hard work, and patience as we've tweeked schedules, and to her husband Mike for his patience also.

Unknown said...

Hello would like to know when the schedules are going to be accessible again? Would like to be able to tell my teams at practice our accurate game time. I don't want to tell them and then found out our game times were changed.
Lorri Smith

Cynthia said...

I love the idea of the night time games, the longer season (if you will) and the return to play in the tournament after the Thanksgiving break. I'll tell you from a parental perspective as well as a coach, a longer season really provides the opportunity for the kids to become good friends and build friendships that will cross season after season.

Thanks so much - We're having a great time!

And "Thank You" to Christina and John for working so hard to complete such a daunting task. :)

Regional Commissioner said...

We tried to get them posted tonight, but there are still a few issues to work out. I think we'll have them posted tomorrow.

Regional Commissioner said...

It was hell (especially for Christina), but we got everything posted again, except for U8 that we'll post later tonight. Please check them over and provide feedback.

I'll point out a couple things. One, there are some times when there is only one game on a field. This means the team will have to pickup and drop-off goal nets. The good thing is we're spreading the use around the fields so they don't get over used and have as many issues with mud, etc. Also, as we perhaps encounter rainouts and makeup games, this situation might go away.

Two, there may be issues with the standings. That's because we've enhanced the team names in the schedules to include the team #, name and coaches names. If we didn't have the teams name, we just used the coaches name. When we first uploaded schedules, we didn't have most of the team names, and we just used the numbers and coaches names. So we've got to get all this reconciled so things can match up. Then everything show fall back into line. We'll be working on this.

feds said...

Thanks for all your work but just wanted to make sure that the dbl header you have for us at 5:00 and then 6:30 on Tues, the 9th is correct Thanks G-U10..#14

Edwin Castillo said...

sorry to bother you, but it appears that you guys schedulle me to play Madrigals team, we already played them last weekend. Unless we do not want to count the score (2-6)loss. I am ok with take a look at my schedulle when you get a chance.
One more thing is that we are schedulling games during the week and I was wondering if that is going to cause trouble with training for other coaches when the time changes. I had some coaches that were concern with it.

thank you for all your hard work.


Regional Commissioner said...


The schedule shows that you didn't play the same team last week as this week. Is this wrong? When did you play the team you are scheduled for this week. (We're talking GU10, right?)

9/22/2007 8:00 AM Los Coyotes South (U10) GU10 Pool 1 #4 Wildcats (Alvarez) #5 Shooting Stars (Castillo)
9/29/2007 11:00 AM Behringer North #3 (U10) GU10 Pool 1 Bye #5 Shooting Stars (Castillo) (RAINED OUT)
10/6/2007 8:00 AM 9. Los Coyotes North (U10) GU10 Pool 1 #2 LM Shooting Stars (Duran) #5 Shooting Stars (Castillo)

Edwin Castillo said...


I am sorry but I am not talking about this weekend, this weekend we are ok, but just to let you know my original schedulle was:

9/15 @9:30 am LCN vs #6 Tom Hunter (won7-0).

9/22 @8:00 am LCS vs #4 Freddie Alvarez (Rained out).

9/29 @11:00 am BN3 vs #15 Elias Madrigal (loss 2-6).

and based on the new schedulle I am playing Madrigal again on 11/3 @11:00am BW, I think that the game that got rained out (9/22) against Freddie Alvarez should be on this spot.

thank you,


Regional Commissioner said...


I'll email you about this off the blog, since it's specific to your team. It may be one of the "issues" we are currently working on. Also, I mis-labelled the rain-out, you're right. Thanks.

BOB DAVIS said...

I am really disappointed that the BOD has decided to have so many weeknight games and basiclly shut down all practice area's so we can't train the kids. There is no reason to have so many weekday games.

Coach Fausto said...

Thank you AYSO for letting the kids have fun...
the more games they have under their belt the better players they'll be.

BOB DAVIS said...

Coach, can please your explain your comment on how will having so many night games make the kids better. As some teams have cancelled practice and have no space to work effectively.

BOB DAVIS said...

The benefits come from a deeper training regimen and from higher-quality competition -- better games on better fields with better referees -- with a prescribed training-to-game ratio of 5:1.

Steve M. Marquez said...

Night games are the best thing that has happened for our kids.
Remember this is a recreation league.
No matter how much a child practices it cannot replace the games to the kids who just wanna have fun. The games are where they really develop skills and grow as players.

Practice prepares them for games.
So the more games the better.

And night games are especially nice. The relaxed atmosphere, comfortable weather, the lack of pressure to get to the next game, and the fact that more family members can come just make it a great time for all.

And least we forget, it helps for the volunteer referees that they can get in a couple of games during the week, instead of cramming all their games in on a Saturday.

Sometimes we have to do what is good for the group and not the individual.

BOB DAVIS said...

Steve, good reply but kids don't learn to dribble correctly or pass correctly or pressure cover defense or support width depth or skills during a game. But I will give you this they do have fun. As noted in my previous blog the new recommendation is 5 training sessions to one game.

coach alfredo ferradas said...

I am in total agreement with Coach Fausto and Steve Marquez, night games are great for the kids and they have lots of fun. The current ratio of practice an games is just fine for these ages AND let's not forget...this is a RECREATIONAL league.
Mr. Davis, are you advocating practicing Monday through Friday for a Saturday game?

BOB DAVIS said...

No sir, what I was trying to explain and it look’s like I did a bad job of that is. Skills are learned at practice and mastered during competition, so the more practice a kid gets the better they will be able to perform thus making it a much more enjoyable experience for the kids. Kids that “just” play games don’t devolpe and the experience isn’t what it should be and it no longer remains as fun as it once was. That is why so many kids leave soccer latter on because they aren’t having fun. All the kids that I train want to become better soccer players so to take away practice from them will make their experience less enjoyable thus making some what to leave.
Not unlike school you study all week long to take a test on Friday, so to get better do you study more or take more tests?
I do believe that the point was missed here the topic was the amount of games and field space being used and that teams aren’t being able to practice during the week.

crzysoccermom3 said...

I want to thank the board for all your hard work. I know with the rain it has not been easy to schedule games, but you have. I also have children who practice when games are going the coaches just move to a smaller space or change the time, It is not a big deal. Thank you once again for all your hard work.

BOB DAVIS said...

DEAR CRZYSOCCERMOM, it is a great big deal when kids safety comes into play or kids don't get the training they expect. is it opintion that is is ok to start practice at 8:00 when spoace is available. FYI I train 2 teams for the region and also train keepers on fridays. So moving to a different day won't work. So what other ideas do you have, should I give up one of the teams?
Also why don't you sign your name?

crzysoccermom3 said...

I am fully aware that you train two teams. I am sure all your parents are greatful for that. You are not the first to have two teams and other coaches have made changes when needed.I never said to start practice at 8? There are alot of teams and sometimes changes need to be made. We have had rain and now games need to be made up. There are many parents who coach, ref and do many other fuctions. All I am saying is this has been a very busy year for La Mirada AYSO and we should focus on making this a great year for all the kids.

Steve M. Marquez said...

Hey relax Bob,
The volunteers, Board Members and Referees in paticuliar, hardly ever get words of thanks and appreciation. So an aynonamous word of thanks is ALWAYS appreciated.

So from all unappreciated volunteers, thanks crzysoccermom3, THANK YOU. whoever you are.

Christina Lopez said...

My husband coaches a BU10 team and originally we were practicing at Benton, then moved to Los Coyotes, but now have moved back to Benton because of the games. You have to make adjustments. There are 93 teams, make adjustments.

The goal with the night games was to give the players more games and a different experience. As Steve Marquez pointed out games are fun, which is why kids play, to have fun.

Parents have complained in the past there was not enough games, now it's too many, too late, too early, doubleheaders, etc. In our schedule we only play 2 night games, maybe 3 now because of the rainout. To me that's not a big deal, so my son will get to bed a little later, make adjustments.

Bob, it sounds like you want this program to be more competative with more training, maybe this is not the league for you and your qualifications. I understand you are working very hard to rid La Mirada of AYSO. Cleary you have an agenda.

BOB DAVIS said...

Christina you couldn't be further from the truth. I have nothing to do with Ayso "maybe" leaving La Mirada and have done nothing to do so there is no hidden agenda.. I don't hide behind titles or my ponytail and I have sent emails to National as to how to solve this problem. The whole issue with training space is that it is not being done with any organization and just a few simple rules would solve most of them. Like you know we had in the past. I only want what is best for the kid’s period and don't care what banner is up next year. But just in case Ayso can't come up with something there will be a program here for your kids just like the one that is here now and with a lot of the same issues.
Steve I also do believe that those who work in the background don't get enough credit for their hard work even the ref's. The issue was whether or not it is a big deal and for some of us it is a very big deal, we also work hard for other's and make sacrifices.

Christina Lopez said...

Bob- what rules for practice do you suggest?

BOB DAVIS said...

Just a thought; here is a simple plan that might solve some of the practice space problem- (or least get us think about how to work this out)
First have all the division comm. Get a list of team practice schedules and their restrictions like have to finish by 8:30 or can’t start until 6:00 Monday Thursday only.
Second have the coach administer come up with age specific practice space sizes and time allotments younger 1 1/2 hrs older 2 hrs etc.; all coaches need to understand why it is being done. Then working with the safety coordinator layout the different fields into grid’s taking into consideration of safety of the kids, lights, poles, games etc.
Third layout the practice spaces and see what adjustments need to be done. Maybe like me if I was to move my Tuesday practice to 6:30 instead of 5:30 then I could take a space that opens at 7:00 because another team will finish at 7:00. So I would warm up the kids until 7:00 then space opens up I would move into that area and finish at 8:30 meeting my restriction. Maybe move a practice to Los Coyotes on Mondays so we can have all the younger’s at Behringer then and using smaller grid sizes have more teams practice there.
Other issues to address do not practice in the goal mouths they are already pretty worn out and as the weather cools down more and the ground stays wetter because of rain and we lose about 10 min. of sunlight a week now, they will be in terrible shape shortly. If you need to use a goal then move it to a space that isn’t worn out, also if several teams need to use the goal SHARE someone uses it early someone middle then another late. No one needs the goal for the whole practice. You need to have lets say half your team there ready to reserve a space, we shouldn’t allow a single parent show up 1 hour or more ahead of scheduled practice time to reserve a space.
Just a thought. Please lets have discussion on how to make it work.

crzysoccermom3 said...
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crzysoccermom3 said...

Do we really need all these rules & regulations? People practice where they practice. Is there not a rule that you can have your space but if a second team shows up and has more that HALF of there team you need to give up your space?? Only if there is no other location to practice right? Can you come up to a coach when there is other open space and ask them to move just because you want that space?? Every coach is required to have 1/3 of the field?? So 4 coaches fit on one field?? I don’t think handing out time slots will work, this is a volunteer organization people work and children have other commitments. Sometimes things change and practice times and days will need to change also.

BOB DAVIS said...

I can tell this is going to be fun. There are no rules that I am aware of that ref. coaches getting 1/3 of a field that would mean 3 coaches per field not 4 and really the only ones that that much space might be the u16 and above. On Thursday night we had 8 teams on the Behringer backfield was a bit crowded, but it worked out. Most coaches don't need more then a 25x30 yrd's space and don't need to camp out in front of the goal. Coaches wouldn't need to move if space is available to them and I never said hand out time slot I said just to have them coordinated and maybe some can make little adjustments to make it work. If things were layout out then coaches would be able to setup their spots and no problems. Last night Behringer could have handled a couple of more teams if needed, so that type of info should be sent out to all also maybe some can change there Thursday night to maybe Wednesday night where there is a lot of space, or at least was last week. I total agree that things change so if some info was available to coaches then a good decision could be made. Like if a coaches can't do a Wednesday practice what are their options. AND AS FAR AS WEARING OUT THE GOAL MOUTH TO LATE ONE IS ALREADY MUDDY SO IT WILL REMAIN A MESS FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR AND MORE TO FELLOW.

crzysoccermom3 said...
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crzysoccermom3 said...
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BOB DAVIS said...

Coach administer, When you stand around and look at others practice just see how much space is really being used. And how much is needed for whatever drills are being done, and as far as what is being taught that is a whole different can of worms, I still have to teach my teams the very most basic skills correctly. Anybody what to start that one?

crzysoccermom3 said...
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Steve M. Marquez said...

Hey guys,
Stop deleting your stuff. My computer was down I I missed all those posts. Now I come back and so many are deleted. I want to know what you have to say.

As long as its not profane, speak your mind. I really want to know what others are thinking about in the AYSO program of La Mirada.

BOB DAVIS said...

Ok lets get this started again. Earlier in this post someone mention that I me be that this may not the league for me because they believe that I want something to competitive. Well I don't believe that there should be score's or standings or a tournament at the end of the year for U8 and don’t need to be put in a competitive situation yet. Here is why- U8 is for development and technical training should consume 80% or more of every training session and that even holds true at U10. Kids later on will love the game more if at the early ages they are taught skills not how to win. If coaches don't concentrate strictly on technical training at the earliest ages then when they get U14 they won't be ready for High school soccer. How many right now want to play for their High school if they have the skills, as I found out most, until they realize that they don't have the skills and start to lose interest. They may be great at U8 or U10 but won't make the High school team because they haven't been taught correctly. I speak the truth because I have lived it. Those that have had kids finish playing soccer what was their fondest memory was it when they were U8 or when they played later?

SoccerDad13 said...

Just a thought on these comments. Why are the divisions not specified to use certain fields. This has always been done in the past. U6-windermere, U8 & U10 Adult school and west side of Benton. U12 to U14 middle and eastside of Benton and Behringer North. U16 and above Behringer SouthEast.Behringer Southwest was open to U6 and U8.
I agree with Bob, you do not need a big area to train your players. 70% of your practice should be Ball Handling Skills. 10%1 on 1 or scrimmage excercises. 20% shooting and passing.
So if there is only 1 goal and 4 coaches.and practices are 1-1/2hours you have 25 minutes each for shooting drills.
Obviously all the coaches need to work together with the limited areas we have, due to games during the week.
Just a thought.